
Published a month before being appointed as the Labour Government’s lead for the curriculum and assessment review, Professor Becky Francis highlighted key CPD principles to help attract and retain teachers in the profession.

  • Treat your teachers as individuals.
  • Work collaboratively to address specific challenges they may be facing.
  • A culture of intellectual stimulation that fosters experimentation, critical thinking and problem-solving.
  • Support teachers to innovate.
  • Consider teacher voice and incorporate that into decision-making.
  • … making sure teaching staff feel valued and see longevity in their roles.

Okay, but How?

Dr. Sean Warren provides a coherent and comprehensive package to seamlessly integrate these essential elements into your existing framework, creating a rhythm that enhances and sustains the programme’s effectiveness. Scroll to discover a ready-made solution that is both cost-effective and time-efficient.

cpd grounded in your unique context & circumstances

  • Curious about a lesson you've recently taught...

  • Select a Lens:

    A suite of creative, transformative tools enables you to probe your experience of those exchanges & interactions.

  • See Edusense Is... tab for full rationale.

  • The Primary Purpose:

    Teachers return to the classroom more alert and more aware, so that they can adapt in real time and respond to emergent needs in the moment.

as reflection stimulates professional dialogue

Teacher agency becomes collective agency

  • PART OF OUR SOLUTION: 1-1 Peer Coaching

    Reflecting on their responses, teachers select an aspect they want to examine and engage in constructive professional conversations. This distinctive facilitation, which offers both remote and in-person coaching options, is available at a nominal subscription cost.


    The Discipline of Noticing provides cohorts of teachers with a systematic way to share and validate aspects they've become more aware of through their reflections. A common FITS lens unites the group.


    Whether your focus is short, medium, or long term, this comprehensive tool ensures you fully realise the impact of your investment - including its effects on pupil outcomes. A link and access code is provided as part of your reflection data.

  • >>>


    An efficient mechanism for CPD Leads to diagnose staff’s current levels of engagement, as well as their prospective needs and interests, via survey or questionnaire.

    Tailored links are provided during a free 20-minute exploration call.

  • Available on all devices

  • An incalculable return on investment - attract and keep teachers in the profession by...

    • Treating your teachers as individuals.
    • Working collaboratively to address specific challenges they are facing.
    • Creating a culture of intellectual stimulation that fosters experimentation, critical thinking and problem-solving.
    • Supporting teachers to innovate.
    • Considering teacher voice and incorporate that into decision-making.
    • … & making sure teaching staff feel valued and see longevity in their roles.

Edusense reflective tools stimulating professional dialogue

Frequently Asked Questions

Would this replace current CPD provision?

Not necessarily. Your current whole-school focus is likely informed by your School Improvement Plan, making it appropriate for the majority of your staff. Edusense aims to enhance and add value by addressing the bespoke needs and interests of individual educators.

As Headteacher/CPD Leader, would I need to involve the whole staff?

No, you don’t need to involve the whole staff at this point.

The Apathy to Action diagnostic exercise will have helped you identify who might benefit most from this dimension, so you may invite selected individuals or a cohort to use the Diagnostic link I provide for insights into their CPD experience.

You can also distribute a Needs Analysis link to better understand which FITS lens they prefer or consider a priority.

To obtain these links, simply press the button below and scroll to the bottom of the FITS Tools page to schedule a 20-minute call to discuss your requirements.

Another option is to identify a 'champion' to sample the lens options and experience the process. A Mini Bundle containing 6 reflections is convenient for this strategy. This will allow them to evaluate its potential value for specific colleagues or teams.

The Mini Bundle option is available when you click through to access the FITS reflective tools.

How much does it cost?

The standard cost for all aspects of the process outlined above:

£23+£6+0+0+0=£29 per cycle.

See the Prices tab on the Taskbar at the top of the page for a breakdown and details of concessions available through Bundle and subscription options.

What is the time commitment for this process?

There is no prescribed schedule. We encourage you to establish a rhythm that aligns with your existing commitments and enables you to embed learning.

This involves considering reflective lenses, opportunities for collaboration, and appropriate moments to evaluate impact. You can select from the following broad categories based on what works best for you:

  • Occasionally
  • Frequently
  • Routinely
  • Periodically

create & then maintain momentum...

Click the button to access links to each aspect within the cycle

"My overriding criticism of much professional development is its generic nature and the requirement on teachers to create their own links between a common message given on a training day and the specifics of their teaching, classroom and particular cohort of children. Bespoke lenses such as Chalkface and Lesson DNA bypasses this and places a powerful tool into the hands of teachers that focuses on their own practice within their own classroom.

The power of this is limitless in terms of teacher development."

Geoff Rutherford, Headteacher of The Wyche School in Malvern, Worcestershire for 20 years.

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