• Equipping you to routinely review and reflect on your practice

  • Enabling you to return to your classroom more alert and more aware

  • Empowering you to adapt in real time and respond to emergent needs in the moment

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The platform for intelligent reflective practitioners

Edusense Reflective Tools provide a gateway to a rich, yet often untapped, resource: reflective insights from your day-to-day encounters.

We complement and add value to what you already do.

Whether you’re a novice, an expert, or somewhere in between, we equip you to routinely check your educational influence.

(After all, the reason most of us came into teaching was to make a difference.)

Edusense is a considered response to the reality of teachers working in a rewarding (yet demanding) profession.

Dr Sean Warren has created a suite of innovative digital tools to support the wellbeing and professional development of teachers.

His evidence-informed work is based on a successful teaching career and a PhD in
classroom dynamics.

Intentional reflection is the active ingredient in creating and maintaining momentum for effective CPD.


Take the steps you need to revitalise your daily work

Edusense Reflective Tools (ERT) have been meticulously designed to fit in with your busy schedule and allow space for you to rewind, reflect, and refresh - to add value to your existing provision for professional learning.

Rather than focussing on one-size-fits-all, pre-packaged content, our sophisticated tools generate vibrant data by embracing the complexity of your lessons, the dynamics of your groups, and the uniqueness of each of your teaching experiences. Your timetable offers an endless stream of fresh learning opportunities for you to tap into.



Continuous Purposeful Growth

No matter how established you are in the profession, Edusense Reflective Tools enable you to sift your experience to reveal rich insights - uncovering aspects you may have been oblivious to at the start of the process.

Our purpose is for you to benefit from a cycle of professional development that is continuous, where you return to the classroom committed to act with fresh intent, primed to notice and address nuances that make all the difference.


Can't afford not to

"…high quality professional development for teachers gives a substantial boost to student attainment… and wider benefits including teachers’ job satisfaction and retention… It follows that for a school leader who cares about student outcomes and has even a passing interest in evidence, investing in professional development of staff should be a top priority.

Strategy is about finding ways to deliver an organisation’s goals by matching its available resources to activities with high leverage. If the long-term goals include student learning and teacher wellbeing, then PD should be prominent in the strategy.”

(Professor Robert Coe, 2023).

Are you here in a strategic role and interested in understanding the practical benefits ERT can provide for your school? If so, please see FAQs below.

edusense reflective tools (ert)

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the practical benefits of ERT for our whole school strategy?

Streamlined and Cost-Effective:

Our tools work to optimise your school’s current CPD provision by aligning with your existing programmes. They guide teachers to reflect on their real-time impact in a recently taught lesson. Edusense Reflective Tools are efficient and affordable.

Intentional Reflection:

The active ingredient in effective, sustained professional growth is reflection that has a purpose and a focus. Our tools provide innovative perspectives to transform routine actions into opportunities for insightful reflective practice.

Enhanced Procedures:

Take your current procedures, such as teacher observations and learning walks, to the next level. Edusense Reflective Tools add depth to professional exchanges by allowing teachers to articulate their independent insights and the rationale behind their decisions.

Capacity Building:

Our tools build capacity at the individual level and promote consistency within teams and across your organisation. They provide you with a shared language to address your priorities effectively.

Sense of Agency:

Investing in our tools builds a sense of agency among your staff. We provide an effective way to tap into, share, and disseminate excellence within your unique school context. Regular use of the Edusense Reflective Tools develops a deeper understanding of individual strengths, needs, and challenges.

Performance Management and Appraisal:

Edusense Reflective Tools empower teachers to contribute to their performance management and appraisal processes with structured, data-driven insights. Our tools equip teachers to demonstrate their commitment to continuous improvement and align their professional development with your school's goals.

Recruitment and Retention:

In an era when recruitment is challenging, retaining your staff is crucial. Edusense Reflective Tools harness the potential of your team to continually cultivate professional growth, both individually and together. Our tools equip you to grow your own leaders.

How can ERT contribute to Performance Management and Appraisal?

A teacher using Edusense Reflective Tools can use the data produced to contribute to performance management and appraisal processes. Here's how:

Self-Reflection: Edusense Reflective Tools allow teachers to document their experiences, insights, and challenges in the classroom. Teachers can use this self-reflection as part of their appraisal to demonstrate their awareness of their own practice and their commitment to professional growth.

This aspect comprehensively facilitates Teacher Standards (Part One: 4, UK): 'reflect systematically on the effectiveness of lessons and approaches to teaching.'

Goal Setting: Edusense Reflective Tools include goal-setting features where teachers can identify areas for improvement and set specific objectives for their professional development. These goals can align with performance management and appraisal criteria.

Evidence Collection: Teachers can use the data and insights generated by Edusense Reflective Tools as evidence to support their performance claims during appraisal meetings. This can include examples of successful teaching strategies, improvements in student outcomes, and evidence of continued professional development.

Feedback Loop: Edusense Reflective Tools can facilitate communication between teachers and their appraisers or supervisors. They can share their reflections and progress with their appraiser, fostering a collaborative approach to performance management.

Professional Development Planning: The data from Edusense Reflective Tools can inform the creation of individualised professional development plans. These plans can be aligned with the teacher's goals and areas identified for improvement, further contributing to performance management efforts.

What do I need to use the tools?

You can use the tools on any laptop, pc, tablet or smartphone.

Can you provide reassurance about GDPR?

You can rest assured that we are fully GDPR compliant. Links to our privacy policies will be available on each product page.

Each product or service will provide financial details in the relevant FAQs section. There is also a tab on the taskbar.