Our Rationale

As we approached the launch date for our courses, it was a great encouragement to read research that deeply resonated with our methodology:

"Wellbeing has relational qualities… [it] has to be at the soul of organisational culture… keeping balance and agency under constant scrutiny... Our research illuminates that the closer teachers get in their daily work to the meaning and purpose behind why they became a teacher, their wellbeing becomes more positive and their job satisfaction increases."

Professor Tim O’Brien and Dr Dennis Guiney’s (2021) academic paper validates the essence of our approach and the depth of our conviction.

  • At Edusense, we acknowledge that schools are ‘predictably unpredictable’ and recognise the requirement for teachers to not only tolerate, but to become ‘confident in uncertainty’.

  • We help you to realise your pedagogical strengths. We champion mutually-supportive relational practice, giving you the opportunity to share and disseminate (if you choose to do so) what is making a difference in your daily work.

  • We value boundaries that lead to a healthy and productive work/life balance. We recognise the challenges faced by diligent staff. Our tools enable you to filter intrusive, repetitive, unresolved thoughts, as you deconstruct and articulate what's on your mind.

We intentionally focus on your individual circumstances and dilemmas to ensure the time you invest in reflection and dialogue is meaningful and contributes to your professional growth.

The Edusense Way Of Working

Our vision is to liberate the teacher’s voice, validating their unique experience and influence. We aim to equip teachers to continue growing as intelligent reflective practitioners. Our tools provide teachers with opportunities to broaden their perspective and become intuitively precise in their decision-making.

Our mission is to provide innovative, meaningful tools that are efficient, effective, and fit for purpose. We champion school leaders who are intent on supporting teachers to routinely pause and reflect on their practice. We are committed:

  • to invest our time and energy to serve our customers;
  • to seek and respond to feedback;
  • to continue improving our platform and how we deliver our services.

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Edusense Reflective Tools require time and commitment to be effective.

If the challenge of being an intelligent reflective practitioner appeals to you, you’re in the right place.