*part of the edusense wellbeing package

The Temple Index of Functional Fluency (TIFF©) is a personal
development tool for measuring human social behaviour and how we focus our energy. It offers a cognitive map for understanding our behaviour and a menu for promoting the human capacity for choosing what to do or say next.

It empowers you to distinguish between responding & reacting.

The Functionally Fluent Teacher

Maximising Interpersonal Effectiveness

My Application To Classrooms

"The ethical balance between control and care first attracted me to Functional Fluency. The terminology enabled me to comprehend more fully the distinction between compliance and cooperation (two terms which I had been grappling with, as I sought to critique the notion of order). The validated theoretical framework allowed me to recognise the defensive approaches that can undermine the effectiveness of control and care.

The data deriving from my Temple Index of Functional Fluency (TIFF) profile had to be patiently sifted to reveal the underlying beliefs which manifested in my habitual behaviour:

"More unexpected was the enquiry which probed how much energy I used to dominate myself. This opened up discussion with Temple about my perfectionist traits. Reflecting on excessive metal rehearsal, which drained me and deprived me of peace, opened up an avenue which was hidden from me."

Living Contradiction (2017, pp. 222-223) - an extract from an analysis of Sean Warren's TIFF profile:

What To Expect

Prioritising time and space to critically reflect on the difference you make, is a key ingredient to your wellbeing and job satisfaction. By intentionally drawing on your positive modes of behaviour, you will increase your sense of balance and agency and bring greater meaning and purpose to your role as a teacher and authority figure.

  • Getting close to your daily work

    • Are you noticing that you lack time and energy?
    • Are conflicting demands being placed on you?
    • Do you feel overwhelmed?
    • Are you experiencing a sense of being stuck?
    • Do you find that you are increasingly 'reacting' rather than 'responding'?

    If so, you're in the right place.

  • What you will learn from TIFF

    A special feature of TIFF is that it provides a profile unique to you, not just an allocation of a category to belong to. You will learn to balance your energy effectively in relating to others, developing your positive behaviour patterns and transforming those that are counterproductive. In short, TIFF will enable you to 'respond' more and 'react' less.

  • Commit to act with fresh intent

    TIFF will develop the art and skill of interpersonal effectiveness. It will help you to reduce stress by rebalancing your energy output; use your authority so that everyone benefits; and to care without becoming worn out.

Your coaching session with Dr Warren will explore the significance of balances, patterns and ratios within your unique profile:

Please note: Due to the time constraints, TIFF will only be available during holiday periods


Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to use this tool?

You can access TIFF on any laptop, pc, tablet or smartphone.

What does the process involve?

Using the appointment button, an initial 20-minute introductory consultation call with Dr. Warren introduces you to the model, allowing you to explore its relevance to your specific situation. This consultation helps you make an informed decision about whether to order your TIFF.

Upon payment (using the 'Order Your TIFF button), you can easily schedule a 90-minute appointment using the appointment button.

Dr. Warren will then send you the necessary details to complete your TIFF assessment online, a process that typically takes 20-30 minutes. You are advised to choose a date that is a week on from when you complete your TIFF. This will give Sean time to review your data before the call.

In the coaching session we will discuss the significance of balances, patterns and ratios within your unique profile.

By the end of your TIFF consultation, you will have developed an actionable 'next steps' plan tailored to your needs. To support you on your journey, we will provide you with valuable resources to enhance your effectiveness going forward.

How much does TIFF cost?

The initial 20-minute introductory consultation is complimentary. The combined cost for the assessment, Dr. Warren's preparatory analysis of your data, and the 90-minute in-depth analysis is £280.

Can you provide reassurance about GDPR?

Certainly, rest assured that we are fully GDPR compliant. For more details, refer to our policy document: